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{{currentdate}} no data available


issue no.({{contractprices.o_year_num}}), {{contractprices.o_year}}: total {{contractprices.o_total_num}} issues: total {{contractprices.o_trade_day}} trading days
(the clearing is finished when the number of issues appears)
date: {{contractprices.o_year}}-{{contractprices.o_month}}-{{contractprices.o_day}}
species: {{a[0] | getobjename}}
pre settle open high low close settle ch1 ch2 tas
volume turnover 0.i & change
{{b.deliverymonth | translation}} {{b.presettlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.zd1_chg | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.zd2_chg | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.tasvolume}} {{b.volume}} {{b.turnover | tofiexd2(b)}} {{b.openinterest}} / {{b.openinterestchg}}
shfe futures contracts volume {{currentdatestr}}
species high low weighted average price trading volume(lot) turnover (hundred million yuan) annual trading volume (ten thousand lots) annual turnover (hundred million yuan)
{{b.productid | translation}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.avgprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.volume | keytofiexd(b,'volume')}} {{b.turnover | keytofiexd2(b,'turnover')}} {{b.yearvolume | keytofiexd2(b,'yearvolume')}} {{b.yearturnover | keytofiexd2(b,'yearturnover')}}
shfe price index {{currentdatestr}}
name of index last open high low close last close ch1 ch2 clearing price for reference
shfe nonferrous metals index {{b.lastprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.precloseprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.updown1 | tofiexd2(b)}} {{b.updown2 | tofiexd2(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexd2(b)}}
name of index last open high low close last close change clearing price for reference
shfe nonferrous metals index {{b.lastprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.precloseprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.updown | tofiexd2(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexd2(b)}}
export txt
export excel
species: {{a[0] | getobjename}}
delivery month pre settle open high low close settle ch1 ch2 tas volume volume turnover 0.i & change
{{b.deliverymonth | translation}} {{b.presettlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.zd1_chg | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.zd2_chg | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.tasvolume}} {{b.volume}} {{b.turnover | tofiexd2(b)}} {{b.openinterest}} /{{b.openinterestchg}}
shfe futures contracts volume {{currentdatestr}}
species high low weighted average price trading volume(lot) turnover(hundred million yuan) annual trading volume(ten thousand lots) annual turnover(hundred million yuan)
{{b.productid | translation}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.avgprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.volume | keytofiexd(b,'volume')}} {{b.turnover | keytofiexd2(b,'turnover')}} {{b.yearvolume | keytofiexd2(b,'yearvolume')}} {{b.yearturnover | keytofiexd2(b,'yearturnover')}}
shfe price index {{currentdatestr}}
name of index last open high low close last close ch1 ch2 clearing price for reference
shfe nonferrous metals index {{b.lastprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.precloseprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.updown1 | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.updown2 | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}}
name of index last open high low close last close change clearing price for reference
shfe nonferrous metals index {{b.lastprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.openprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.highestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.lowestprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.closeprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.precloseprice | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.updown | tofiexdnum(b)}} {{b.settlementprice | tofiexdnum(b)}}
date: {{currentdatestr}}
export txt
export excel
date: {{currentdatestr}}
vwap of current contract
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{e.instrumentid}} {{e.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}}
sub-period average trading price of main contract
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{e.instrumentid}} {{e.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}}
sub-period average trading price of all contracts
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{a.instrumentid}} {{a.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(a)}}
export txt
export excel
vwap of current contract
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{e.instrumentid}} {{e.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}}
sub-period average trading price of main contract
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{e.instrumentid}} {{e.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}} {{e.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(e)}}
contract 9:00-10:15 9:00-15:00
weighted average price change over previous trading day weighted average price change over previous trading day
{{a.instrumentid}} {{a.refsettlementprice1 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.updown1 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.refsettlementprice2 | istimepricetofixed(a)}} {{a.updown2 | istimepricetofixed(a)}}
date: {{currentdatestr}}
date: {{currentdatestr}}
{{a | getdailystocktheadtitle('varname')}} unit: {{a | getdailystockunit}}
{{a | getdailystockth1(i)}} {{a | getdailystockth2}} on warrant {{a | getdailystockth4}}
shanghai futures exchange
designated warehouse
{{b.regname | dailystocksplit1}} {{b.whabbrname | dailystocksplit1}} {{b.whabbrname | dailystocksplit1}} : {{b.wrtwghts}} {{b.wrtwghts}} {{b.wrtchange}} {{b.wrtchange}}
{{a | getdailystocktheadtitle('varname')}} unit: {{a | getdailystockunit}}
{{a | getdailystockth1(i)}} {{a | getdailystockth2}} on warrant {{a | getdailystockth4}}
shanghai futures exchange
designated warehouse
{{b.regname | dailystocksplit1}} {{b.whabbrname | dailystocksplit1}} {{b.whabbrname | dailystocksplit1}} : {{b.wrtwghts}} {{b.wrtwghts}} {{b.wrtchange}} {{b.wrtchange}}
export txt
export excel
date: {{currentdatestr}}
species contract code settle transaction fee(‰) transaction fee amount (rmb/contract) delivery fee margin rate for long speculation
margin rate for long hedging
margin rate for short speculation
margin rate for short hedging
{{b.productid}} {{b.instrumentid}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.tradefeeratio}} {{b.tradefeeunit}} {{b.special}} {{b.speclongmarginratio}} {{b.hedglongmarginratio}} {{b.specshortmarginratio}} {{b.hedgshortmarginratio}}
species contract code settle transaction fee(‰) transaction fee amount (rmb/contract) delivery fee(‰) margin rate for long speculation
margin rate for long hedging
margin rate for short speculation
margin rate for short hedging
{{b.productid}} {{b.instrumentid}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.tradefeeratio}} {{b.tradefeeunit}} {{b.commoditydelivfeeratio}} {{b.speclongmarginratio}} {{b.hedglongmarginratio}} {{b.specshortmarginratio}} {{b.hedgshortmarginratio}}
species contract code settle transaction fee(‰) transaction fee amount (rmb/point) delivery fee(‰) margin rate for long speculation
margin rate for long hedging
margin rate for short speculation
margin rate for short hedging
{{b.productid}} {{b.instrumentid}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.tradefeeratio}} {{b.tradefeeunit}} {{b.commoditydelivfeeratio}} {{b.speclongmarginratio}} {{b.hedglongmarginratio}} {{b.specshortmarginratio}} {{b.hedgshortmarginratio}}
export txt
export excel
date: {{currentdatestr}}
export txt
export excel
issue no.({{contractprices.o_year_num}}),{{contractprices.o_year}}:total {{contractprices.o_total_num}}issues:total {{contractprices.o_trade_day}}trading days (the clearing is finished when the number of issues appears)
date: {{contractprices.o_year}}-{{contractprices.o_month}}-{{contractprices.o_day}}
species: {{a | kxqtabletitlefmt}}
open high low close pre
settle ch1 ch2 volume open
o.i change turnover delta exercise
{{b.instrumentid}} {{b.openprice}} {{b.highestprice}} {{b.lowestprice}} {{b.closeprice}} {{b.presettlementprice}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.zd1_chg}} {{b.zd2_chg}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.openinterestchg}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.delta}} {{b.execvolume}}
export txt
export excel
species: {{a | kxqtabletitlefmt}}
contract code open high low close pre settle settle ch1 ch2 volume open interest o.i change turnover delta exercise vol
{{b.instrumentid}} {{b.openprice}} {{b.highestprice}} {{b.lowestprice}} {{b.closeprice}} {{b.presettlementprice}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.zd1_chg}} {{b.zd2_chg}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.openinterestchg}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.delta}} {{b.execvolume}}
issue no.({{contractprices.o_year_num}}),{{contractprices.o_year}}:total {{contractprices.o_total_num}}issues:total {{contractprices.o_trade_day}}trading days (the clearing is finished when the number of issues appears)
date: {{contractprices.o_year}}-{{contractprices.o_month}}-{{contractprices.o_day}}
shfe options product data {{currentdatestr}}
species volume
open interest
(rmb 10,000)
annual vol
(lot 10,000)
annual turnover
(rmb 100m)
{{b.productid}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.yearvolume}} {{b.yearturnover}}
shfe options series data {{currentdatestr}}
species: {{a | kxqtabletitlefmt}}
contract series volume
open interest
o.i change
(rmb 10,000)
exercise vol
{{b.instrumentid}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.openinterestchg}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.execvolume}} {{b.sigma}}
export txt
export excel
shfe options product data {{currentdatestr}}
species volume(lot) open interest(lot) turnover(rmb 10,000) annual vol(lot 10,000) annual turnover(rmb 100m)
{{b.productid}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.yearvolume}} {{b.yearturnover}}
shfe options series data {{currentdatestr}}
species: {{a | kxqtabletitlefmt}}
contract series volume(lot) open interest(lot) o.i change(lot) turnover(rmb 10,000) exercise vol(lot) implied volatility(%)
{{b.instrumentid}} {{b.volume}} {{b.openinterest}} {{b.openinterestchg}} {{b.turnover}} {{b.execvolume}} {{b.sigma}}
date: {{currentdatestr}}
species contract
sp ttfr
{{b.type}} {{b.instrumentid}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.tradefeeratio}} {{b.tradefeeunit}} {{b.strikefeeratio}} {{b.strikefeeunit}} {{b.stradeunitmargin}} {{b.htradeunitmargin}} {{b.strikefeeratio}} {{b.strikefeeunit}} {{b.strikeclosefeeratio}} {{b.strikeclosefeeunit}}
export txt
export excel
species contract code sp ttfr(‰) ttf(r/l) e/s tfr(‰) e/s tf(r/l) stm(r/l) htm(r/l) ootfr(‰) ootf(r/l) ostfr(‰) ostf(r/l)
{{b.type}} {{b.instrumentid}} {{b.settlementprice}} {{b.tradefeeratio}} {{b.tradefeeunit}} {{b.strikefeeratio}} {{b.strikefeeunit}} {{b.stradeunitmargin}} {{b.htradeunitmargin}} {{b.strikefeeratio}} {{b.strikefeeunit}} {{b.strikeclosefeeratio}} {{b.strikeclosefeeunit}}
for all data